Friday, June 29, 2012

Editor's note

I'm in Mexico, but most of my posts will be in english, why? Well, because let's face it, we live in an english speaking world, and its not because its an "American" thing, it is just how it is. Most of the information on the internet is in english, why? because 1. it is the easiest way to comunicate something 2. for someone to understand it, and 3. for you to make sure your message gets transmitted, because lets face it, if you post it online, its because you want someone to read it, because if you dont want anyone to read it, then might as well just sit in a corner and start talking to the wall in Klingish (that's Klingon and Elvish combined, yes it doesn't exist, but who cares, you are speaking to a freaking wall).


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