Thursday, July 5, 2012

What do you call a male ladybug?

Did you ever wonder how if ladybugs are asexual… or how do you call a male ladybug? Boybug? Malebug? Well now you can sleep easier knowing that male ladybugs DO exist. What are they called? Well, akwardly enough, MALE ladybug. And the lady? Female Ladybug.

It's close to impossible for a normal person to tell them apart. But here are some ways to tell them apart. First, females are usually much larger than males. Second, if you observe one ladybug riding on top of another ladybug, they are probably mating. A male ladybug will grab the female's  wings and holds on tight for the ride.

An entomologist (Bug man can see the differences) between males and females under a microscope.

1 comment:

  1. Y que es el liquido amarillo que te dejan cuando se paran arriba de ti??
