Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Did you ever stop to think about this?

I give you the day's head breakers... give them some thought ;-)  :

1. How does the guy who drives the snowplow get to work in the mornings?

2. If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?

3.When sign makers go on strike, is there anything written on their signs?

4. If you asked a librarian where the books on self-help were, would they tell you, or would that defeat the purpose?

5. Why is the man who invests all your money called a broker?

6. Why don’t sheep shrink when it rains?

7. If you put a chameleon in a mirrored box what color would it change to?

8. If a turtle loses its shell is it naked or homeless?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Eggs, how were they discovered as a food source?

So... simple and short.... most people like eggs, they are part of the food pyramid, they contain lots of vitamins and minerals, they are used to prepare various foods and such, etc...

But seriously, whose idea was it to eat the first one? Who was the guy that looked at a chicken and was like... "IM GOING TO EAT THE NEXT THING THAT COMES OUT OF THAT ANIMALS BUTT "....  maybe another version of jackass existed way before we knew about it?

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Why do we park on driveways but drive on parkways?

When you first think about it, it seems a bit odd doesn't it? By simple word analogy it seems illogical you would drive where you park and park where you drive... But then again, you need to drive to get to where you are going to park, so there is the driving on the parkway, but the parking in the driveway?

If we go by definition a driveway is a private road that connects to the public street . These roads are usually short. We park our cars on them because after having driven the way to the private house, we would obviously have to stop when we arrived.

Now, parkways, the "park" in parkway is not the same word as "park" the meaning to stop. A parkway is defined as a broad road usually marked with scenery and a landscape. Landscaping? Scenery? Sounds a lot like a "park" as in the recreation space, doesn't it?. Thus we drive on parkways because it is a glorified parklike road.

So there you have it. That is why we park on driveways and drive on parkways.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Why did kamikaze pilots wear helmets??

Ok, so here you are, a Japanese kamikaze pilot on your way to a suicide mission, ready to die for your country, but wait a minute… lets put a helmet on, just in case. That makes no sense whatsoever, lets take into consideation the fact that they are not real helmets, they were a kind of leather caps that covered the ears, so they didn’t really protect you from bruises, so maybe it was just for them to look more dashing in a uniform? Then, if you pumped your head in the crash, you would... die? Wasn't that the point in the first place?

Anyways, it isn’t as ridiculous as the ALCOHOL SWAB BEFORE THEY APPLY THE LETHAL INJECTION, now that is just a really funny way to waste alcohol, just in case you get a last minute infection!!!! Before they apply an injection that will kill you anyways,  it just seems ironic. Just one more way USA shows you they do care! :D

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Why shut and nail down the lid of a coffin?

So, why would anyone do that? If we get out the old history books we would  find out that egyptians and old cultures used to bury their dead with jewerly and belongings, so maybe nailing down the coffin was necesarry to prevent robberys and such. But nowadays, you pretty much bury the old man/woman with whatever old clothes he/she had, some earrings (if she is a woman, or a kind of liberal man) and that is pretty much it, so what is the point?

The possibilities are actually funny, maybe people are scared of them waking up, so they make sure to seal it shut to avoid that option… just in case the person decides he isn’t dead and starts knocking down doors. The other possibility is that of a rise of the dead kind of mood, I mean hey, we have enough living people that can become zombies, why would we want dead people to become zombies also, better keep them nailed shut in their coffins. Another “intelligent” reason could be to prevent rats and other crawler from gaining quick and easy access to the coffin… if they want food they have to get it the hard way, bite their way in or something!

So what can we take of this?... there really is no logic behind it… so.. we should maybe, stop doing it?

What do you call a male ladybug?

Did you ever wonder how if ladybugs are asexual… or how do you call a male ladybug? Boybug? Malebug? Well now you can sleep easier knowing that male ladybugs DO exist. What are they called? Well, akwardly enough, MALE ladybug. And the lady? Female Ladybug.

It's close to impossible for a normal person to tell them apart. But here are some ways to tell them apart. First, females are usually much larger than males. Second, if you observe one ladybug riding on top of another ladybug, they are probably mating. A male ladybug will grab the female's  wings and holds on tight for the ride.

An entomologist (Bug man can see the differences) between males and females under a microscope.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Society: Elections... Or Selection

For anyone who is not aware of what happened in mexico they day of the elections, here is a summary... their are four candidates. Peña nieto, Vazquez Mota, Lopez Obrador, and Quadri. First we can pretty much discard Quadri, he was just a puppet but into the elections to win a small percentage of the votes to keep his political party alive just enough for them to keep getting funds for next election. The other 3 candidates, Vazquez mota, a woman which represented the current political party that runs the mexican presidency, decided to give a speech admiting defeat BEFORE ANY of the votes were counted, that is correct, just taking into consideration the informal MEDIA polls decided to let the whole nation know that she admits defeat before 99.99% of the votes were counted.

Fishy? It gets better... at approximatly 10.30 pm the president of IFE (the Institute of the federal elections) lets the nation know of result of the "Conteo Rapido" which is a stadistical tool that takes into consideration about 7% of the total votes which according to them has a .5% of margin of error (Ok, lets give them the benefit of the doubt and say that it is correct, then if it is, then why waste time with all the other votes) Alas, it gives away that Peña nieto is 8% on top of Lopez obrador and Vazquez Mota is about 4% lower than Lopez Obrador.IMMEDIATLY after his speech, the president of Mexico comes up, and gives a 10min prepared speech congratulating Peña nieto ON HIS VICTORY and giving him his FULL SUPPORT. Now any person can see this was all just a set up.

And all this is not taking into consideration everything that happened during the day. The IFE says it was a clean election, when every mexican can tell you PRI (peña nieto's political party) was outside most of the election sites buying people's votes for 500 pesos, bribing election chairmen in election sites to change votes for them, ballots were being taken by PRI members instead of IFE members, Ballots were being stolen where oposition partys had major votes, and all this happened publicly (you can find evidence and more on facebook and youtube)...

Democracy?? What democracy.... Problem is the media is so controlled only people with internet access know about all this, which is, i dunno, 5% of mexico... so what are we to do about it? you tell me...

Friday, June 29, 2012

Editor's note

I'm in Mexico, but most of my posts will be in english, why? Well, because let's face it, we live in an english speaking world, and its not because its an "American" thing, it is just how it is. Most of the information on the internet is in english, why? because 1. it is the easiest way to comunicate something 2. for someone to understand it, and 3. for you to make sure your message gets transmitted, because lets face it, if you post it online, its because you want someone to read it, because if you dont want anyone to read it, then might as well just sit in a corner and start talking to the wall in Klingish (that's Klingon and Elvish combined, yes it doesn't exist, but who cares, you are speaking to a freaking wall).



Welcome to just for fun! In this Blog I will post different original images, videos, articles, and ideas that i do or imagine... to help you get through those lazy work days.... im just that cool, i like to share =)

Bienvenidos a solo por diversión! En este Blog pondre diferentes imagenes, videos, articulos, y ideas originales para que pasen esos dias de trabajo que no tienen nada que hacer!

Primer Post del BLOG:

A medio día fui al OXXO que queda a dos cuadras de mi casa, nada más iba por una Coca. Cuando iba a la mitad del camino se me acercaron dos personas, un chavo y una señora que ya se veía grande, a lo mejor de unos 50 años.

Me preguntaron que por quien iba a votar, y les contesté que el voto era ...libre y secreto. Se me quedaron viendo con algo de gracia, como si no se esperaran esa respuesta.

El chavo me dijo que no desperdiciara mi voto, que diera el "Voto útil". La señora sacó de su bolsa un billete de 100 pesos y me lo ofreció, supuestamente a cambio de mi voto por un partido político en particular.

Le rechacé el dinero, diciendole que no iba a comprar mi voto con nada, ya que lo tenía bien definido. De pronto el chavo que iba con la señora buscó algo en su bolsillo y sacó una navaja. Me amenazó, diciendome que tenía que votar por quien ellos dijeran, o de lo contrario me iba a ir mal. Dijeron que sabía donde vivía, quienes eran mis familiares, amigos y conocidos, donde trabajaba, etc.

Viendo que no me iban a convencer ni con violencia, el chavo sacó un celular de esos viejos, marcó un número y dijo algo acerca de que "tenían a un rebelde", y dijo donde estábamos. Al minuto, llegó una camioneta negra, muy lujosa, repleta de fulanos vestidos casualmente, con lentes oscuros y con toda la pinta de malvivientes.

Ahí sí me asusté, ya que nunca había estado en esa situación. Y luego los maleantes, aún ignoro porqué, buscaron problemas y me les enfrenté. Mi madre, asustada, muy seria me dijo: "Te mudas ahora mismo con tus tíos de Bel Air".
Llamé a un taxi y al mirarlo noté que decía "Fresco", yo no sé porqué. No le dí importancia y lo abordé, y me dije a mí mismo "Casi estás en Bel Air!".
Al fin, llegué a una mansión de lo más elegante, y le dije al taxista: "Ponte desodorante!". Mirando mi reino finalmente pensé: "Ha llegado el Príncipe de todo Bel Air! Auhh!"